url http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/5154 o:resource_class ire:JournalArticle ire:id VINFH5ZZ ire:class ire:JournalArticle ire:year 2016 ire:author Fleisch, Brahm ire:title System-Wide Improvement at the Instructional Core: Changing Reading Teaching in South Africa ire:issn 1573-1812 ire:doi https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-016-9282-8 10.1007/s10833-016-9282-8 ire:url https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10833-016-9282-8 Official Publisher's Webpage (Springer Link) ire:date 2016 ire:dateAdded 3/23/2023 21:22 ire:dateModified 3/23/2023 21:22 ire:dateAccessed 3/23/2023 21:22 ire:pages 437-451 ire:issue 4 ire:volume 17 ire:abbr J Educ Change ire:shortTitle System-Wide Improvement at the Instructional Core ire:language en ire:catalog Springer Link ire:attachFile C:\Users\huynh\Zotero\storage\S8Y8ZHTR\Fleisch - 2016 - System-wide improvement at the instructional core.pdf ire:status Published Text ire:genre Empirical ire:peer Yes ire:keywords Literacy Mathematics Early grades System-wide instructional reform ire:resourceType Research/Scholarly Media ire:inPublication Journal of Educational Change ire:apa Fleisch, B. (2016). System-Wide Improvement at the Instructional Core: Changing Reading Teaching in South Africa. Journal of Educational Change, 17(4), 437–451. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-016-9282-8 ire:citedIn http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/3201 Scale and Sustainability of Education Innovation and Improvement ire:openAccess No --