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Developing a Coherent Research Agenda: Lessons from the REL Northeast & Islands Research Agenda Workshops



Developing a Coherent Research Agenda: Lessons from the REL Northeast & Islands Research Agenda Workshops


This report describes the approach that REL Northeast and Islands (REL-NEI) used to guide its eight research alliances toward collaboratively identifying a shared research agenda. A key feature of their approach was a two-workshop series, during which alliance members created a set of research questions on a shared topic of education policy and/or practice. This report explains how REL-NEI conceptualized and organized the workshops, planned the logistics, overcame geographic distance among alliance members, developed and used materials (including modifications for different audiences and for a virtual platform), and created a formal research agenda after the workshops. The report includes links to access the materials used for the workshops, including facilitator and participant guides and slide decks. [This report was prepared for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) by Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands administered by Education Development Center, Inc.]



National Center for Educational Evaluation and Regional Assistance

Resource type

Education/Pedagogical Resource

Resource status/form

Published Text

Scholarship genre

Guidance Manual/Tool

Open access/full-text available


Peer reviewed



Kochanek, J., Lacireno-Paquet, N., & Carey, R. (2014). Developing a Coherent Research Agenda: Lessons from the REL Northeast & Islands Research Agenda Workshops. National Center for Educational Evaluation and Regional Assistance.


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