url http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/4229 o:resource_class ire:JournalArticle ire:id QQ3KCX9F ire:class ire:JournalArticle ire:year 2008 ire:author Kazemi, Elham Hubbard, Amanda ire:title New Directions for the Design and Study of Professional Development: Attending to the Coevolution of Teachers' Participation Across Contexts ire:issn 0022-4871 ire:doi https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487108324330 10.1177/0022487108324330 ire:url https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487108324330 Official Publisher's Webpage (SAGE Journals) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249704816_New_Directions_for_the_Design_and_Study_of_Professional_Development Full-text PDF Shared by Author (ResearchGate) ire:date 2008 ire:dateAdded 10/12/2022 15:27 ire:dateModified 10/12/2022 15:27 ire:dateAccessed 10/12/2022 15:27 ire:pages 428-441 ire:issue 5 ire:volume 59 ire:shortTitle New Directions for the Design and Study of Professional Development ire:language en ire:catalog SAGE Journals ire:extra Publisher: SAGE Publications Inc ire:attachFile C:\Users\huynh\Zotero\storage\DGFN6H23\Kazemi and Hubbard - 2008 - New Directions for the Design and Study of Profess.pdf ire:status Published Text ire:genre Theoretical ire:peer Yes ire:resourceType Research/Scholarly Media ire:inPublication Journal of Teacher Education ire:apa Kazemi, E., & Hubbard, A. (2008). New Directions for the Design and Study of Professional Development: Attending to the Coevolution of Teachers’ Participation Across Contexts. Journal of Teacher Education, 59(5), 428–441. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487108324330 ire:citedIn http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/2931 Classroom Teaching and Learning as the Focus for Improvement Research ire:openAccess Yes --