Design-based Research Methods: Applications for Educational Research (LDT 576)
Design-based Research Methods: Applications for Educational Research (LDT 576)
LDT 576 is designed to familiarize graduate students with the set of research perspectives known as Design-Based Research. Design-Based Research is also called or has forms called: design research, design experimentation, teaching experiments, and design-based implementation research. Design-Based Research is used by educational researchers to advance knowledge about consequential issues impacting human learning through conducting research in actual educational settings (e.g., schools, workplaces, museums, afterschool programs, family settings, higher education, and online immersive environments).
Design-Based Research is often used in Learning Sciences and Educational Technology research —as well as in other educational and psychological domains. DBR is most commonly known for its iterative research study design that simultaneously seeks to improve theory (of design, learning, or interaction) and practice (through improving an educational intervention). Design-Based Research can employ quantitative or qualitative inquiry methods, but most often, Design-Based Research projects use a combination of methods.
LDT 576 Design-Based Research is appropriate for graduate students in the College of Education or related disciplines who (a) are interested in conducting social sciences research with a DBR methodological approach or (b) would like to understand various ways of studying educational interventions in situ. LDT 576 Design-Based Research is not a substitute for quantitative or qualitative methodology courses.
Design-Based Research is often used in Learning Sciences and Educational Technology research —as well as in other educational and psychological domains. DBR is most commonly known for its iterative research study design that simultaneously seeks to improve theory (of design, learning, or interaction) and practice (through improving an educational intervention). Design-Based Research can employ quantitative or qualitative inquiry methods, but most often, Design-Based Research projects use a combination of methods.
LDT 576 Design-Based Research is appropriate for graduate students in the College of Education or related disciplines who (a) are interested in conducting social sciences research with a DBR methodological approach or (b) would like to understand various ways of studying educational interventions in situ. LDT 576 Design-Based Research is not a substitute for quantitative or qualitative methodology courses.
Penn State University
Resource type
Education/Pedagogical Resource
Pedagogical resource type
Education Studies
Intended audience level/student group
IRE Approach/Concept
Open access
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Zimmerman, H. T. (2015). Design-based Research Methods: Applications for Educational Research. ISLS.
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