url http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/3272 o:resource_class ire:Thesis ire:id NB2ATEH3 ire:class ire:Thesis ire:year 2021 ire:author Thomas, John R. ire:title Fostering a Research Practice Partnership to Understand the Community Needs for Addressing Suicide Prevention among Youth in Klamath County ire:isbn 9798780632184 ire:url https://www.proquest.com/dissertations/docview/2628791563/abstract/B8F006AC8B446CBPQ/18 Official Dissertation Webpage (via ProQuest Dissertations) https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/handle/1794/27077 Open Access Dissertation (University of Oregon Scholars' Bank) ire:date 2021 ire:dateAdded 7/7/2022 6:22 ire:dateModified 7/7/2022 6:22 ire:dateAccessed 7/7/2022 6:22 ire:numPages 207 ire:place United States -- Oregon ire:language English ire:rights Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works. ire:type Ph.D. ire:catalog ProQuest ire:extra ISBN: 9798780632184 ire:attachFile C:\Users\huynh\Zotero\storage\KLCZK9PH\Thomas - 2021 - Fostering a Research Practice Partnership to Under.pdf ire:committee Seeley, John Lindstrom, Lauren Murray, Christopher McWhirter, Ellen ire:institution University of Oregon ire:status Thesis/Dissertation ire:genre Empirical ire:peer No ire:keywords American Indian Klamath County suicide prevention ire:resourceType Research/Scholarly Media ire:apa Thomas, J. R. (2021). Fostering a Research Practice Partnership to Understand the Community Needs for Addressing Suicide Prevention among Youth in Klamath County [Ph.D., University of Oregon]. https://www.proquest.com/dissertations/docview/2628791563/abstract/B8F006AC8B446CBPQ/18 ire:approachConcept Research Practice Partnership (RPP) ire:openAccess Yes --