San Francisco Teacher Leader Fellowship (TLF)
San Francisco Teacher Leader Fellowship (TLF)
Alternate name
San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Lesson Study Initiative
SFUSD [San Francisco Unified School District] collaborated with researchers at nearby Mills College and the local teacher union to develop the Teacher Leader Fellowship (TLF) program with the lesson study cycle as the foundation. There are four components to the cycle: study, plan, teach, and reflect. Teams of three to five teachers in a school begin the cycle by first deciding on an area of focus, using a variety of data to narrow their area of inquiry and ultimately identifying a specific research question. Teams then begin to study that focal area, which may involve examining additional data, reading existing research, or visiting other classrooms or schools. Having studied their focal topic, teams use their collected knowledge to develop a theory of action around which they plan specific strategies or practices to test. The process culminates in a public research lesson, where other educators are invited to observe a lesson designed to test the theory of action. The team collectively plans the lesson and outlines the data they will collect through the lesson. After the public research lesson, the team reflects on what happened, using feedback from observers and data collected through the lesson. These reflections often serve as the foundation for the team’s next focal topic, beginning the next cycle. While the lesson study is conducted as a team, the TLF leads the team. SFUSD supports the fellow through a monthly fellows meeting and individualized coaching. They also have a variety of resources to support each stage of the cycle, which they codeveloped with input from the Mills College team.
[Quoted from Handbook pp. 267-268]
Resource type
Organizational Entity
Entity type
San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
Mills College
IRE Approach/Concept
Primary national context
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Teacher Leader Fellowship & Lesson Study in SFUSD. (n.d.). SFUSD. Retrieved August 18, 2022, from
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