url http://core.miserver.it.umich.edu/omeka-s/s/ire/item/3081 o:resource_class ire:Thesis ire:id ULB3IHEM ire:class ire:Thesis ire:year 2022 ire:author Samuel, Christie ire:title Teacher Collaboration: A Qualitative Descriptive Study on the Perception of the Transfer of Knowledge ire:isbn 9798426835429 ire:url https://www.proquest.com/dissertations/docview/2661141195/abstract/2085CCFDCBD341CDPQ/16 Official Dissertation Webpage (via ProQuest Dissertations) https://media.proquest.com/media/hms/PFT/2/jrBgM?_s=pKCywdRbU1zLoGTiADFFhcMmG4E%3D Open Access Dissertation PDF (via ProQuest Dissertations) ire:date 2022 ire:numPages 161 ire:shortTitle Teacher Collaboration ire:language English ire:rights Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works. ire:type Ed.D. ire:catalog ProQuest ire:committee Frederick, Nicole Hodges, James Dellosa, Ashley ire:institution Trident University International ire:peer No ire:keywords self-efficacy professional learning communities teacher efficacy tansfer of learning ire:apa Samuel, C. (2022). Teacher Collaboration: A Qualitative Descriptive Study on the Perception of the Transfer of Knowledge [Ed.D., Trident University International]. https://www.proquest.com/dissertations/docview/2661141195/abstract/2085CCFDCBD341CDPQ/16 ire:openAccess Yes --