Handbook Chapter 4 Citations
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Handbook Chapter 4 Citations
The Coronavirus Spring: The Historic Closing of U.S. Schools
Decker, S., Peele, H., Riser-Kositsky, M., Kim, H.-Y., & Harris, E. P. (2020, July 2). The Coronavirus Spring: The Historic Closing of U.S. Schools. Education Week. http://www.edweek.org/leadership/the-coronavirus-spring-the-historic-closing-of-u-s-schools-a-timeline/2020/07 -
From Tinkering to Going “Rogue”: How Principals Use Agency When Enacting New Teacher Evaluation Systems
Donaldson, M. L., & Woulfin, S. (2018). From Tinkering to Going “Rogue”: How Principals Use Agency When Enacting New Teacher Evaluation Systems. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 40(4), 531–556. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373718784205 -
Teacher Professional Learning Communities and Institutional Complexity: Negotiating Tensions between Institutional Logics
Diehl, D. K. (2019). Teacher Professional Learning Communities and Institutional Complexity: Negotiating Tensions between Institutional Logics. Sociological Spectrum, 39(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/02732173.2018.1564099 -
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Rethinking the Connection Between High-Stakes Testing Policy and Classroom Instruction
Diamond, J. B. (2007). Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Rethinking the Connection Between High-Stakes Testing Policy and Classroom Instruction. Sociology of Education, 80(4), 285–313. https://doi.org/10.1177/003804070708000401 -
Negotiating Trust, Power, and Culture in a Research–Practice Partnership
Denner, J., Bean, S., Campe, S., Martinez, J., & Torres, D. (2019). Negotiating Trust, Power, and Culture in a Research–Practice Partnership. AERA Open, 5(2), 2332858419858635. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419858635 -
Exploring the Space Between: Social Networks, Trust, and Urban School District Leaders
Daly, A. J., & Finnigan, K. S. (2012). Exploring the Space Between: Social Networks, Trust, and Urban School District Leaders. Journal of School Leadership, 22(3), 493–530. https://doi.org/10.1177/105268461202200304 -
What Is the System in Systemic Reform?
Cohen, D. K. (1995). What Is the System in Systemic Reform? Educational Researcher, 24(9), 11–31. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X024009011 -
Reading Coaches and the Relationship Between Policy and Practice
Coburn, C. E., & Woulfin, S. L. (2012). Reading Coaches and the Relationship Between Policy and Practice. Reading Research Quarterly, 47(1), 5–30. https://doi.org/10.1002/RRQ.008 -
District Policy and Teachers’ Social Networks
Coburn, C. E., & Russell, J. L. (2008). District Policy and Teachers’ Social Networks. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 30(3), 203–235. https://doi.org/10.3102/0162373708321829 -
What’s Policy Got to Do with It? How the Structure-Agency Debate Can Illuminate Policy Implementation
Coburn, C. E. (2016). What’s Policy Got to Do with It? How the Structure-Agency Debate Can Illuminate Policy Implementation. American Journal of Education, 122(3), 465–475. https://doi.org/10.1086/685847 -
Framing the Problem of Reading Instruction: Using Frame Analysis to Uncover the Microprocesses of Policy Implementation
Coburn, C. E. (2006). Framing the Problem of Reading Instruction: Using Frame Analysis to Uncover the Microprocesses of Policy Implementation. American Educational Research Journal, 43(3), 343–349. https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312043003343 -
Shaping Teacher Sensemaking: School Leaders and the Enactment of Reading Policy
Coburn, C. E. (2005). Shaping Teacher Sensemaking: School Leaders and the Enactment of Reading Policy. Educational Policy, 19(3), 476–509. https://doi.org/10.1177/0895904805276143 -
Beyond Decoupling: Rethinking the Relationship Between the Institutional Environment and the Classroom
Coburn, C. E. (2004). Beyond Decoupling: Rethinking the Relationship Between the Institutional Environment and the Classroom. Sociology of Education, 77(3), 211–244. https://doi.org/10.1177/003804070407700302 -
Collective Sensemaking about Reading: How Teachers Mediate Reading Policy in Their Professional Communities
Coburn, C. E. (2001). Collective Sensemaking about Reading: How Teachers Mediate Reading Policy in Their Professional Communities. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 23(2), 145–170. https://doi.org/10.3102/01623737023002145 -
Tempered Radicals: Elementary Teachers’ Narratives of Teaching Science Within and Against Prevailing Meanings of Schooling
Carlone, H. B., Haun-Frank, J., & Kimmel, S. C. (2010). Tempered Radicals: Elementary Teachers’ Narratives of Teaching Science Within and Against Prevailing Meanings of Schooling. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 941–965. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-010-9282-6 -
The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision
Capra, F., & Luisi, P. L. (2014). The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511895555 -
The Ties That Bind: How Social Capital Is Forged and Forfeited in Teacher Communities
Bridwell-Mitchell, E. N., & Cooc, N. (2016). The Ties That Bind: How Social Capital Is Forged and Forfeited in Teacher Communities. Educational Researcher, 45(1), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X16632191 -
The Rationalizing Logics of Public School Reform: How Cultural Institutions Matter for Classroom Instruction
Bridwell-Mitchell, E. N. (2013). The Rationalizing Logics of Public School Reform: How Cultural Institutions Matter for Classroom Instruction. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 7(2), 173–196. https://doi.org/10.1177/1558689812468792 -
How Systems Thinking Applies to Education
Betts, F. (1992). How Systems Thinking Applies to Education. Educational Leadership, 50(3), 38–41.