Open Access Resource (IRE)
Item set
Open Access Resource (IRE)
Interview with Charles Munter: "Developing Visions of High-Quality Mathematics Instruction" (Episode 1422)
Episode 1422: Charles Munter. (2014). [Podcast]. -
Math Ed Podcast (Episode 1705): Paul Cobb on Improving Teaching at Scale
Episode 1705: Paul Cobb on Improving Teaching at Scale. (2017). [Podcast]. -
How School and District Leaders Access, Perceive, and Use Research
Penuel, W. R., Briggs, D. C., Davidson, K. L., Herlihy, C., Sherer, D., Hill, H. C., Farrell, C., & Allen, A.-R. (2017). How School and District Leaders Access, Perceive, and Use Research. AERA Open, 3(2), 2332858417705370. -
Networked Social Enterprises: A New Model of Community Schooling for Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Facing Challenging Times
Kerr, K., & Dyson, A. (2016). Networked Social Enterprises: A New Model of Community Schooling for Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Facing Challenging Times. Education Sciences, 6(3), 20. -
Learning Theory and Improvement Practice
Fishman, B. J. (2022, May 29). Learning Theory and Improvement Practice. -
The Evolution of Engagements and Social Bonds During Child-Parent Co-design
Yip, J. C., Clegg, T., Ahn, J., Uchidiuno, J. O., Bonsignore, E., Beck, A., Pauw, D., & Mills, K. (2016). The Evolution of Engagements and Social Bonds During Child-Parent Co-design. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3607–3619. -
The Evolution of Engagements and Social Bonds During Child-Parent Co-design [Presentation Recording]
The Evolution of Engagements and Social Bonds During Child-Parent Co-design. (2016, May 31). -
Improving Student Learning: What Does This Mean From the Student Perspective? [Plenary Session]
Addeh, O., Day, K., DiGiorgio, Z., Niznaski, J., & Wang, C. (2015). Improving Student Learning: What Does This Mean From the Student Perspective? 22nd Annual Innovations in Teaching and Learning (ITL) Conference 2015. -
The Future of P-12 Education
UCI School of Education. (2021, March 1). The Future of P-12 Education. -
Conversations with Our Faculty: June Ahn
UCI School of Education. (2019, August 5). June Ahn Full Interview. -
Rethinking the Research-Practice Connection
Rethinking the Research-Practice Connection. (2018, December 20). -
Leading Improvement in Challenging Times [Training Video]
CPRE Hub. (2020, September 1). Leading Improvement in Challenging Times. -
Leading Improvement in Challenging Times Guide
Supovitz, J., & D’Auria, J. (2020). Leading Improvement in Challenging Times Guide (CPRE Workbooks). -
Networks for School Improvement: Evidence-Backed Lessons for Leaders, Managers and Practitioners
CPRE Research. (2019, November 7). Networks for School Improvement: Evidence-Backed Lessons for Leaders, Managers and Practitioners. Research Minutes. -
Rethinking Connections between Research and Practice in Education: A Conceptual Framework
Farley-Ripple, E., May, H., Karpyn, A., Tilley, K., & McDonough, K. (2018). Rethinking Connections Between Research and Practice in Education: A Conceptual Framework. Educational Researcher, 47(4), 235–245. -
Educational Leadership in Challenging Times
CPRE Research. (2021, March 7). Educational Leadership in Challenging Times. Research Minutes. -
Building Capacity Through Developing and Supporting New Curriculum Materials in a Research-Practice Partnership
Penuel, W. R. (2017). Building Capacity Through Developing and Supporting New Curriculum Materials in a Research-Practice Partnership. STEM Education Seminar Series, Flagstaff, AZ. -
Infrastructuring As a Practice of Design-Based Research for Supporting and Studying Equitable Implementation and Sustainability of Innovations [ISDDE 2015]
Penuel, W. R. (2015). Infrastructuring as a Practice for Promoting Transformation and Equity in Design-Based Implementation Research. International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE), Boulder, CO. -
Life of the School (Episode 63) - Samantha Agoos [Interview]
Agoos, S. (2019, January 21). Life of the School Episode 63: Samantha Agoos. Life of the School. -
How People Learn (EDUC 591) [Winter 2022]
Herrenkohl, L. R. (2022). Learning about How People Learn. University of Michigan School of Education.